Course Registration
Registration Resources
Incoming ninth-graders Registration Information
Classes of 2024-26
Students who want to take AP or honors classes must sign the AP-honors agreement.
Schedule Change Procedure
We cannot accommodate schedule change requests unless the student: 1) does not have a full schedule, 2) has a class that requires a prerequisite that the student has not taken, 3) is missing a core class on their schedule. If the student did not get a first choice elective, they may request a schedule change but it is not guaranteed that we can accommodate this request.
The expectation for scheduling is that students and families have made a concerted effort to choose the appropriate classes and alternates that will prepare them for graduation, college, and/or the workforce. Once students' requests are completed, the master schedule is created based on the requests. Teachers are hired, the master schedule is created, books are ordered, and classrooms are prepared. A ripple effect occurs with any subsequent changes. Therefore, there will be no schedule changes once a request is in place, other than for the following exceptions:
Exceptions for Schedule Changes:
These exceptions may only take place within the first 7 days of the semester:
Student lacks required courses needed for graduation
Student did not get first choice elective & there is room in that elective without an impact to the master schedule
Student was academically misplaced (for ex. student doesn’t have a prerequisite for a scheduled class)
Counselors must balance the class rosters to prevent overcrowding (at the request of administration only)
Student would like to drop a course that will not drop them below the minimum required credits and is not required for graduation
Schedules will not be changed based on teacher or period requests. Additionally, schedules will not be changed to accommodate for a specific off-block.
Level change requests
Level change requests will not be fulfilled. Students who requested advanced level courses read and signed the GHS AP/Honors/Concurrent Enrollment Contract, which included the agreement that once enrolled, students are expected to complete the course. A list of course requests was shared with each student during the spring semester of the prior year and they were notified to contact their counselor before the end of May if they needed to make any changes.
Elective Course Changes
Year-long electives cannot be dropped in the second semester. Elective course changes can be requested and will be honored if there is space available without disrupting the rest of the student’s schedule or causing a negative impact on the master schedule. The completed Schedule Change form must be turned into the Counseling Office for processing. Please note that even if approved, the change will occur only if there is room available in the requested course. If there is any question about the difficulty level of a particular course, teachers and counselors should be consulted prior to requesting the course.
Dropping a Class
Students may drop classes during the first week of the semester so long as it does not drop them below the minimum required credits and they are on track for graduation. Students who wish to drop a course need to be aware that courses dropped after the second week of the semester will earn a W/F grade. Students who drops a course after the end of the first 6 weeks grading period will receive an F. Students must also maintain a minimum of 5 (½ credit) classes each semester. If students want to drop a course after the second week of the semester, they will need to complete an Application to Drop a Class form. This drop form must be signed by the guardian, teacher, counselor, and administration.
Drop forms are available in the counseling office.