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Parent Teacher Association

The mission of the Golden High School Parent Teacher Association is to create the kind of school community where teachers and administrators can do their best work – and so can our students.

The Golden PTA supports teachers in and out of the classroom. We help create learning opportunities for students and try to build the kind of supportive, caring atmosphere that makes school fun.

Learn more about the Golden Parent Teacher Association.

Join the Golden PTA

Families are invited to become members of the largest organization in the world whose sole purpose is to advocate for all youth. PTA is an instant connection to GHS and the Golden community, as well as a strong link to education legislation and national issues.

Join online by making a selection below, or print this application form and take it with cash or a check payable to “GHS PTA” to the main office.


Families can further their support by updating their King Soopers loyalty account to include Golden High School PTA as their community rewards organization. Create an account or log in and select “Golden High School PTA.”

Scholarship Winners

The Golden PTA awards up to five $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors who are PTA members in “good standing.”

PTA Scholarship  Winners

Contact Us

Golden PTA
